After 20 years of practice, I have come to think of acupuncture as a treatment that communicates with the deepest aspects of the body in a non-verbal language that only the body can understand. The stimulation of the acupuncture points sends a message that helps the body ‘remember’ how to find balance. Each treatment brings you closer toward this balanced state. Because everyone is different, the selection of acupuncture points is unique to each patient, and to each treatment, as the body changes over time.
Most patients can feel that something is happening during an acupuncture treatment, and that feeling is usually very relaxing and blissful. May people even fall asleep during treatment.
Electroacupuncture is a powerful enhancement to traditional acupuncture, where a mild electrical current is applied to some of the points during an acupuncture treatment. This small addition will often result in a dramatic improvement to results, in both increased outcome levels and shortened time to achieve treatment goals. It is basically an efficient way to enhance the beneficial effects of acupuncture.
other Treatment Enhancements
CHinese Herbs & Supplements
Chinese Herbal Formulas and other supplements are powerful medicines that can be used on their own, or in combination with acupuncture to enhance treatment outcomes. Herbs and supplements are often recommended for more chronic or complex cases like insomnia, digestive problems, immunological/autoimmune disorders, menstrual/reproductive issues, or anxiety/depression.
Not all supplements are created equal, and there are a wide variety of products, and quality of products, available, so I only prescribe brands that I am very familiar with that use species identification, high sensitivity contaminant detection, and GMP certification.
KPC Herbs, Standard Process supplements, and more. These are practitioner level products, and are higher quality than the supplements that are available at the health food store.
Lifestyle and Nutrition Enhancement
Daily routines, habits, food choices, exercise, schedule, stress level, even posture, all work together to shape our mental, physical, and emotional state. It is not possible to address health problems without taking a deep and honest look at these fundamental elements of life, and targeting changes where they need to be made.
Food and nutrition can be used therapeutically to help to balance health. Exercise and movement are critical for increasing circulation and stimulating food and fluid metabolism. Sleep position can ease pain issues. Habits and patterns can work for us, or against us.
As part of your initial appointment, and throughout the course of treatment, we will discuss diet and lifestyle, and zero in on any changes that could be made to support your success.
Initial Acupuncture Only Visit/Intake $225
Initial Visit with Herbal/Supplement Consultation $350
Followup Acupuncture Treatment $150
30 Minute Followup Acupuncture Treatment $100
Please note that only Intakes and Followup Acupuncture Treatments can be scheduled online.
Please call or email to schedule other appointment types.